Boost Others Ohio is a ministry dedicated to providing emergency financial assistance to individuals and families in crisis.

We partner with trusted organizations, such as social workers, first responders, and Christ-centered ministries, to identify urgent, verified needs. Our focus is on resolving short-term, concrete needs that restore stability when no other resources are available. By working alongside our partners, we aim to be good stewards of God’s provision, offering hope and help to those who need it most.

Submitting Requests

Partners submit need requests and they will be individually reviewed by Boost Others Ohio. If approved, funds will be delivered to the recipient within 24-48 hours.

Examples of Needs

  • Help with a family and or child going through medical crisis
  • Assistance to help a family with an abused child
  • Assistance with family with special needs child
  • Homeless family
  • Educational assistance for families needing special equipment or computers